/* * METRIC --- Mode expansion modeling in integrated optics / photonics * http://metric.computational-photonics.eu/ */ /* * complex.cpp * Handling complex numbers */ #include #include #include #include #include"inout.h" #include"complex.h" /* error message */ void complexerror(const char *m) { fprintf(stderr, "\ncomplex: %s.\n", m); exit(1); } /* argument, range [0, 2 PI[ */ double Complex::arg() const { if(im == 0.0) { if(re >= 0.0) return 0.0; return M_PI; } if(re == 0.0) { if(im >= 0.0) return M_PI_2; return 1.5*M_PI; } if(im > 0.0 && re > 0.0) return atan(im/re); if(im > 0.0 && re < 0.0) return M_PI-atan(fabs(im/re)); if(im < 0.0 && re < 0.0) return M_PI+atan(fabs(im/re)); if(im < 0.0 && re > 0.0) return 2.0*M_PI-atan(fabs(im/re)); return 0.0; } /* argument, range ]-PI, PI] */ double Complex::args() const { if(im == 0.0) { if(re >= 0.0) return 0.0; return M_PI; } if(re == 0.0) { if(im >= 0.0) return M_PI_2; return -M_PI_2; } if(im > 0.0 && re > 0.0) return atan(im/re); if(im > 0.0 && re < 0.0) return M_PI-atan(fabs(im/re)); if(im < 0.0 && re < 0.0) return -M_PI+atan(fabs(im/re)); if(im < 0.0 && re > 0.0) return -atan(fabs(im/re)); return 0.0; } /* output to FILE dat */ void Complex::write(FILE *dat) const { if(dat == stderr || dat == stdout) { nice(dat); fprintf(dat, "\n"); } else { fputdouble(re, dat); fputdouble(im, dat); } return; } void Complex::nice(FILE *dat) const { if(isnotOK()) { fprintf(dat, "NANorINF"); return; } if(re == 0.0 && im == 0.0) { fprintf(dat, "%g", 0.0); return; } if(fabs(re) > 0.0) fprintf(dat, "%g", re); if(im == 0.0) return; if(im > 0.0) fprintf(dat, "+i%g", im); else fprintf(dat, "-i%g", -im); return; } /* input from FILE dat */ void Complex::read(FILE *dat) { if(dat == stderr || dat == stdout) { complexerror("Complex: read"); } else { re = fgetdouble(dat); im = fgetdouble(dat); } return; } /* zero re or im, if |re| or |im| are smaller than (1.0e-14)*(|re|+|im|) */ Complex Complex::tidy() const { // return Complex(re, im); double are = fabs(re); double aim = fabs(im); double a = are+aim; if(are < (1.0e-14)*a) { return Complex(0.0, im); } if(aim < (1.0e-14)*a) { return Complex(re, 0.0); } return Complex(re, im); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* trigonometric functions */ Complex sin(const Complex& z) { // return Complex(sin(z.re)*cosh(z.im), cos(z.re)*sinh(z.im)); std::complex tz(z.re, z.im); std::complex s = sin(tz); return Complex(real(s), imag(s)); } Complex cos(const Complex& z) { // return Complex(cos(z.re)*cosh(z.im), -sin(z.re)*sinh(z.im)); std::complex tz(z.re, z.im); std::complex c = cos(tz); return Complex(real(c), imag(c)); } /* squareroot s = 0: sqrt(|c|)*exp(i arg(c)/2), positive squareroot for real c s = 1: sqrt(|c|)*exp(i arg(c)/2 + pi), negative squareroot for real c */ Complex sqrt(const Complex& c, int s) { Complex z; double r, phi = 0.0; r = sqrt(c.abs()); if( s <= 0) phi = c.arg()/2.0; else phi = c.arg()/2.0+M_PI; z = expi(phi)*r; return z; } Complex sqrt_pos(const Complex& c) { return sqrt(c, 0); } Complex sqrt_neg(const Complex& c) { return sqrt(c, 1); } /* principal value; +/-sqrt(|c|)*exp(i arg(c)/2), sign such that real part of the result is positive; sign of pure imaginary result z.im equal to the sign of c.im */ Complex sqrt(const Complex& c) { /* Complex z; z = expi(c.arg()/2.0 )*sqrt(c.abs()); if(z.re == 0.0) { if(c.im > 0.0) { if(z.im >= 0.0) return z; else return -z; } if(z.im >= 0.0) return -z; else return z; } if(z.re >= 0.0) return z; return -z; */ std::complex tc(c.re, c.im); std::complex z = sqrt(tc); return Complex(real(z), imag(z)); } /* natural logarithm, imaginary part in ]-PI, PI] */ Complex log(const Complex& z) { // return Complex(log(z.abs()), z.args()); std::complex tz(z.re, z.im); std::complex l = log(tz); return Complex(real(l), imag(l)); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* powers of complex numbers */ Complex pow(const Complex& z, const int& n) { if(z.re == 0.0 && z.im == 0.0) return CC0; Complex r; int i = n; if(n == 0) return CC1; if(n>0) { r = z; --i; while(i>0) { r = r*z; --i; } return r; } r = z; ++i; while(i<0) { r = r*z; ++i; } return CC1/r; } Complex pow(const double& d, const Complex& c) { // if(d == 0.0) return CC0; // if(d > 0.0) return exp(c*log(d)); // return exp(c*(log(-d)+CCI*M_PI)); std::complex tc(c.re, c.im); std::complex p = pow(d, tc); return Complex(real(p), imag(p)); } Complex pow(const Complex&z, const double& d) { // if(z.re == 0.0 && z.im == 0.0) return CC0; // return exp(d*Complex(log(z.abs()), z.args())); std::complex tz(z.re, z.im); std::complex p = pow(tz, d); return Complex(real(p), imag(p)); } Complex pow(const Complex& z, const Complex& c) { // if(z.re == 0.0 && z.im == 0.0) return CC0; // return exp(c*Complex(log(z.abs()), z.args())); std::complex tz(z.re, z.im); std::complex tc(c.re, c.im); std::complex p = pow(tz, tc); return Complex(real(p), imag(p)); } /* ckeck validity: re, im in {nan, -nan, inf, -inf} is not OK */ bool Complex::isOK() const { if(std::isfinite(re) && std::isfinite(im)) return true; return false; } bool Complex::isnotOK() const { if(!std::isfinite(re) || !std::isfinite(im)) return true; return false; }