Convention for coordinate system, polarization, units

All Metric routines rely on a representation of the 2-D problems in a Cartesian coordinate system with axes x and z. As suggested by the figure below, occasionally these directions are referred to as "horizontal" (z) and "vertical" (x). The structure under investigation and all optical fields are assumed to be constant along the direction y perpendicular to the computational x-z-plane. For the description of 2-D waveguides and the associated modes, the z-axis takes the role of the direction of light propagation, the "longitudinal" direction, while the x-axis is oriented along the "transverse" direction. In the context of the scattering problems, the distinction between the roles of the axes becomes irrelevant.

2-D coordinates x, z

The propagation of continuous optical electromagnetic waves in linear isotropic dielectric structures is considered. The vacuum wavelength lambda = 2 pi / k0 = 2 pi c / omega specifies the fixed angular frequency omega, corresponding to a time dependence ∼exp(i omega t) of all fields, for vacuum wavenumber k0 and vacuum speed of light c. Conventionally, optical waves are described in terms of the electric field E and the magnetic field H. Under the above assumptions, the Maxwell equations for the optical electromagnetic field split into two independent subsets of equations, that apply to solutions with different polarization states:

Based on the numerical value for the vacuum wavelength lambda, all values for quantities with dimension length are meant in micrometers (no normalization is performed internally). Where relevant, time intervals are counted in femtoseconds. In principle, electric and magnetic field levels should be computed consistently in units of V/µm or A/µm, respectively. Consequently, modal powers are given in W/µm (power per length unit in the lateral y-direction). See the definitions and functions in gengwed.h and gengwed.cpp for numerical values of the relevant electrodynamic constants, for functions that translate the vacuum wavelength to other frequency dependent quantities, and for identifiers and functions related to field components and polarization states.

Relevant source files: gengwed.h, gengwed.cpp.

Multilayer slab waveguide objects

Waveguide objects represent a 1-D piecewise constant refractive index profile. The waveguide cross section, the x-axis, is to be divided into an array of intervals with constant refractive index, where the bottom and top intervals are unbounded. Since the specification of permittivity or refractive index levels is always related to optical oscillations at a definite frequency, the value of the vacuum wavelength is made part of the waveguide container.

The information on the number of layers, the layer boundaries, the refractive index values, and the vacuum wavelength constitute a Waveguide object as defined in structure.h, structure.cpp. See matrix.h and matrix.cpp for the definition of Dvectors used for the boundary locations and refractive indices.

Multilayer slab waveguide, geometry

Among the members of a Waveguide-object are:

nx The number of inner layers in the division of the cross section axis.
hx The x-positions of the layer boundaries, a Dvector(nx+1).
lambda The vacuum wavelength of the light propagating in this waveguide.
n The array of refractive index values, a Dvector(nx+2).
eps Functions which return permittivity values, for positions specified by a layer index or by an x-coordinate.
layer Returns the layer boundaries (an Interval object, also declared in structure.h) for a given x-coordinate or a layer index.
layeridx Returns the index of a layer that corresponds to a given x-coordinate.
plot Generate a .m-script that produces a plot of the refractive index profile when executed in MATLAB; for purposes of inspecting a waveguide specification. See the section on visualization of structural information.

Additionally, objects of class Waveguide can be copied and assigned, they know how to write and read themselves to/from FILEs, they can translate themselves to new coordinates, they have some knowledge about the bounds (defaultepseffmin, defaultepseffmax) on prospective effective indices (permittivities) of guided modes, they can compare (equal) themselves to another Waveguide, and they supply a number of methods for testing (consistency, bdmatch), information (constmed, checksymmetry, decoupepseff, lbdecepseff, ubdecepseff), and transformation (optimize, split, expand, mirror) that are used by the routines for mode analysis, and by the Helmholtz solvers. Further details can be found in the source files structure.h, structure.cpp directly.

Note the following points:

The Waveguide constructors take one of the sets {}, {nx}, or {nx, hx, lambda, n} as arguments, where the remaining information must be directly assigned. See one of the example files (e.g. tlwg.cpp) for an actual waveguide definition.

Class: Waveguide.
Relevant source files: structure.h, structure.cpp.

Sequences of waveguide segments

The BEP and QUEP Helmholtz solvers operate on sequences of multilayer slab waveguides as containers for the geometrical and material specification of the scattering problems. Sequences of z-homogeneous waveguide segments are combined into SegWgStruct objects, as defined in structure.h and structure.cpp. The ingredients are an array of 1-D (x-dependent) refractive index profiles, i.e. Waveguides, and the accompanying z-positions of the vertical interfaces between the segments.

Sequence of waveguide segments, geometry

The SegWgStruct objects provide the following methods / members:

nz The number of inner segments in the sequence.
hz The z-positions of the segment interfaces, a Dvector(nz+1).
() Integer subscript operators, range 0, ..., nz+1: Access to the individual Waveguides in the sequence.
init Initialize all segments with the same Waveguide profile.
segidx The segment index corresponding to a given z-coordinate.
segment The boundaries of a segment corresponding to a given z-coordinate or segment index.
n A function that returns the local refractive index, given a pair of x-z-coordinates.
lambda The vacuum wavelength, assuming that it is unique in all Waveguides.
defaultwindow Determines a default window around the "inner" structure, e.g. for plotting purposes.
plot Generate a .m-script that produces a plot of the refractive index profile when executed in MATLAB; for purposes of inspecting a structure specification. See the section on visualization of structural information.

Additionally, SegWgStruct-objects can be copied and assigned, they can write and read themselves to / from files, and they know how to shift all coordinate data along the x and z directions (ztranslate, xtranslate). The QUEP routines access methods that convert the horizontal sequence to a vertical one (rotate), procedures that add and remove additional outer segments (expand, shrink), or a function that eliminates unnecessary boundaries between identical segments (optimize). Finally, a SegWgStruct can convert itself into a Circuit (see below).

Note that, in contrast to the waveguide container, here numbers of inner segments of less than 1 are allowed: SegWgStruct(-1) defines a z-homogeneous waveguide (with hz not to be accessed, used only as a means to enable the plot routines for mode arrays). SegWgStruct(0) is a structure with a single vertical interface, e.g. a waveguide facet.

Two SegWgStruct-constructors take one of the sets {}, {nz} as arguments; the waveguides and z-positions have to be assigned individually. As an example, in the driver files sgrat.cpp and defcav.cpp the structure definition as an array of pieces of waveguides is quite intuitive. A third SegWgStruct-constructor converts a a Circuit object (see below) into a SegWgStruct.

Class: SegWgStruct.
Relevant source files: structure.h, structure.cpp.

Rectangular optical circuits

In some cases the arrangement of the structural data for a scattering problem in the particular form of sequences of waveguides appears to be rather cumbersome. Where appropriate, Circuit objects can be used for a specification of the material and geometrical information. A Circuit as defined in structure.h, structure.cpp combines a matrix of refractive index values, two arrays of positions of horizontal and vertical interfaces, and the vacuum wavelength.

Rectangular optical circuit, geometry

Since the Circuits are - so far - only meant to provide an alternative way of constructing the SegWgStructs, only basic members and methods are provided:

nx The number of inner layers in the rectangular division.
hx The x-positions of the horizontal layer interfaces, a Dvector(nx+1).
nz The number of inner slices in the rectangular division.
hz The z-positions of the vertical slice interfaces, a Dvector(nz+1).
lambda The vacuum wavelength for the scattering problem.
n Refractive index values for the rectangular patches, a Dmatrix(nx+2, nz+2).
plot Generate a .m-script that produces a plot of the refractive index profile when executed in MATLAB; for purposes of inspecting a structure specification. See the section on visualization of structural information.

Copying and assignment of Circuits is automatically implemented via the respective methods of the member objects. To avoid core dumps caused by access to illegal index positions, note the following issues:

The Circuit-constructors accept one of the sets {} or {nx, nz}. Additional information (the layer positions, the refractive index matrix, and the wavelength) must be assigned explicitly. For examples of simple Circuit(1, 1)-structures see the driver files corner.cpp, tjunc.cpp, cross.cpp, or hole.cpp. Larger structures, a Circuit(17, 19), or a Circuit(19, 19), respectively, are defined in pcwg.cpp or pcbend.cpp.

Class: Circuit.
Relevant source files: structure.h, structure.cpp.